- Diploma & Degree in Textile Technology from VJIT, Mumbai and Post Graduation in marketing from Mumbai University.
- Started his career with Onida and later moved for a global exposure.
- Associated with various B-Schools such as Symbiosis, Welingkers and ITM.
- Trustee of famous Sun Temple at Gwalior which is owned by Birlas.
He has multinational experience of 19 years. First of all, he told us about the work culture difference between India and abroad. In India people work for bosses whereas abroad, people work for the organization. He told us about work culture in Japan, America, UK, Arab Gulf countries, and China.
About Japanese:
They follow their culture.
They are very sensitive people.
Ringi method (collective decision making method) is used by the organizations.
They are very conscious about the quality of product and service.
Team work in Japan is totally based on appraisals.
NENKO (long term employment) is the general practice at their organizations.
About American:
They have a predominant hire and fire culture (if in the morning you have entered the office and your internet connection is not working do not contact the IT department instead contact the HR department because may be the case that you are fired).
The nature of society is individualistic.
The people are conscious about their privacy.
Promotions there are mainly on the basis of merits.
About UK:
Unions are craft based.
Society is a contractual relationship between the employee and the organization hiring the employee.
About Arab Gulf East:
They are obedient and loyal to their tribe.
They feel pride in their traditions and have a collective decision making.
They have a very little paperwork and most of the deals and commitments are made orally on mobiles and telephones.
About China:
They are reserved and individualistic.
They have a personalized loyalty.
Guanxi: recognized for personal networking.
Managers have a tendency to seek their personal gains prior to any gain in organizational decision.
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