ABV-IIITM Ranking in Top Engineering Colleges of India
ABV-IIITM Gwalior ranked 29th by Outlook India
Outlook India Ranking
IIITM ranked 3rd in "Top 10 Engineering Colleges With Doctorates in Faculty"....
is one of the 3 Institutions of India which has 100% PhD Faculty... IIT
Kharagpur & ISMU Dhanbad being the other two Institutions..
Having Doctorates in faculty will be the mark of a good Engineering College.. Most of the Engineering Colleges won't have more than one or two doctorates in their faculty department. But the above listed colleges have more than 75% doctorates in their faculty department.. And, IIITM Gwalior has 100% doctorates in their faculty department..
IIITM Gwalior & IIIT Allahabad has less number of faculty coz there aren't many Engineering disciplines in both the colleges... IIIT's are the institutions setup mainly for fostering Information Technology Services & hence have less number of Engineering branches in them & hence less faculty... IIIT Allahabad has ECE & IT branches whereas IIITM Gwalior has only IT branch in it as of now... Some newly established IIIT's like IIITD&M Jabalpur, IIITD&M Kancheepuram have ECE, CSE & MECH departments...
The Institute is a bit lagging behind in rankings of collegekhabar.com since college khabar takes into account the popularity votes from the student as well as public community for ranking... And as IIITM has only one Discipline (ICT) as of now, it is a bit lagging behind in the popularity votes... This I think is one of major reasons why IIITM is a bit behind in rankings of collegekhabar.com.....
However, the institute improved it's rank from 46 (last year) to 41 (this year) in college khabar rankings.... Hope, IIITM soon enters the ELITE League of Colleges...
This kind of information is always being helpful for the student. And it will be helpful by sharing more info about this important educational field. Thank you.
We atAurora are trying to join the List Top Engineering Collegesby creating new practices in the Engineering Education in India. We request you all to have a look and let us know how we can improve our quality of deliverables.Thanking you in advance,Have a good day.
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Top Engineering Colleges in India
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Top Engineering Colleges in India
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Thanks all for your reviews... Tune into the blog for more updates about IIITM Gwalior...
We atAurora are trying to join the List Top Engineering Collegesby creating new practices in the Engineering Education in India. We request you all to have a look and let us know how we can improve our quality of deliverables.Thanking you in advance,Have a good day.
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