According to her some of the admirers:
'She is innocence personified!';
'she is Apotheosis of friendship';
'she has got real good head, also she has got a "Clay" sort of heart' ...
For us, she was a 'constant gardener' in our networking lab, though she had never taken a single lecture [:)] .
Thank you ma'am , for your leading supports. [;)]
Sidhi Baat (The Interview):

Name: Pragnya Maduskar
Batch: IPG2002-07-M.Tech
Location: Bangalore
Organization: Siemens Information Systems Limited
Q.1. Your Intro ? (the first question for every IIITMite in so called intro :))
Hi, I am from IPG 2002 Batch and that qualifies me as one of the two girls in our batch. Currently I am working in Medical Imaging field with Siemens Computer-aided diagnosis research group in Bangalore.
Q. 2. Define IIITM in your word?
Freedom, fun and frolic
Q. 3.The most memorable moment @ IIITM ?
These 5 years @ IIITM was complete fun. Be it late night gossiping in girl’s hostel, watching movies, eating out everyday, bunking classes or night out before the exams, I enjoyed every bit of it. One incident I can never forget is the Major exam of Modeling and Simulation, when we (me and Aparna) reached half an hour late for the exam (as we were sleeping) and despite of that managed to finish the paper.
Q. 4.Technology and Management in your words, how it become more special when it comes for IIITM ?
Personally MBA is not my piece of cake. IIITM has tried to amalgamate two different perspectives i.e. technology and management and because of this I got to learn few Management related fundamentals (which I never implemented). I feel it still needs to be nurtured further so that this unique combination is appreciated and realized by the industry.
Q. 5.Your experience and strategy @ your work place: how did you develop your skills from null to pointer, please give us a biographical detail .
We never got any kind of spoon feeding in IIITM and I learnt here to pursue everything on my own. This attitude always helped me in finding right opportunities in my current organization. If your work really interests you, any kind of skills can be acquired in that field to bridge in the gaps.
Q. 6. A message to your all juniors, (something you aspired most @ IIITM and want the same in your juniors) …
The time you spend during your college days is never gonna come back. Enjoy it to the fullest and live your dreams. You have lot of freedom and time to learn many things and work towards your career as well as personal interests. Don’t follow the herd but pursue the field which you really passionate about.
Q. 7. IIITM on lighter note: eg: IIITM is getting more greener with times, what do you think ???
IIITM is an inseparable part of my life where I have spent 5 important years. Institute management is putting lot of efforts towards building the IIITM brand image globally. Things are much better now as compared to our times in terms of facilities and academics. I really wish that with time institute gets the global visibility and we as IIITM alumni.
Note: To send your interview you can fill any of the following forms:
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