A lot more has left to share. How can one forget your visionary step of launching IIITM Blog in 2007 on which your own interview is being published ;) .
You are one of the 'First Timers' @ IIITM ...
Sidhi Baat (The Interview):

Name: Pawan Verma
Batch: IPG2002-07-MBA
Location:Atlanta, USA
Organization:General Electric through Satyam !
Q.1. Your Intro ? (the first question for every IIITMite in so called intro :))
During my time with institute, I was carrying a zeal to turn the things upside down and downside up, never to mention that things have not really changed but this has imbibed a fighter in me, so that's how i sum up myself after IIITM, a fighter. Never to give up and 'Just do it'. Btw, later was my byline during insti farewell.
Q. 2. Define IIITM in your word?
Inseparable identity of mine. Have nurtured my values, provided me opportunities and prepared me to take on the world. It's the most laid back time but who said that things can't be easy. Gave me friends and relations for life. I would say everything except deep rigorous knowledge (though our curriculum boast that) but made me smart enough to get that myself. Most rocking place in the world !
Q. 3.The most memorable moment @ IIITM ?
If i look now then it was great journey, with ups and downs. Love and fights, jhappiyan and pappiyan, man, i am getting nostalgic. On serious note, it was my stint with Infotsav in 3rd year which I really chreish, perhaps it has taught me more management than my 2 years of MBA :-P I have never been that passionate in my whole life. Was it just an event ?
Q. 4.Technology and Management in your words, how it become more special when it comes for IIITM ?
Honestly, I have chosen IIITM over other choices owing to this techno-management but could not appreciate this until I joined the Industry. Always thought that people opt for MBA because they want a chillax life :P but yeah now I don't wonder anymore. I see the real time applicability of S/W engineering which I thought is most useless :-| Dude, it's not about developing applications but the whole process and people and other stake factors involved alongside. I believe IIITM is the best institute to get the real Industry knowledge.
Q. 5.Your experience and strategy @ your work place: how did you develop your skills from null to pointer, please give us a biographical detail .
This is interesting. When I joined Satyam, I felt I have come to another IIITM, the same way of working. You have to take up the work, challenge others, fight and get succeed, noone gonna stop you, not sure how things work at other places but I felt that the spirit to get the things right inspite of all tough conditions is what keeps me moving on and I guess, I am doing fair enough :)
Q. 6. A message to your all juniors, (something you aspired most @ IIITM and want the same in your juniors) …
Guys, you are at heaven, drink the life to the fullest Just find out what your goals are and that's your focus and leave rest for others. This is the best place to prepare you on how to become smart ass, no support, no checks (atleast during our time) and you are on your own. If you walk through this smoothly then you can walkthrough the tough journey ahead very easily!
Keep your passion alive !
Q. 7.IIITM on lighter note: eg: IIITM is getting more greener with times, what do you think ???
Man, how much discount are we getting at almost every food joint, coahing institutes, dhabas, gym. It was real hilarious to go for buying a beer bottle and then argue for discount because we were IIITMites. And has the wi-fi and AC come to the hostel? We have spent 5 complete years waiting for that !!!
Note: To send your interview you can fill any of the following forms:
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