Contrarily, there are other half that keep plying flesh to veridical face of IIITM.
Srikar is a proud pladin of that other half.
Thank you sir for volunteering in our cause and adding infixes on behalf of tardiest alumnus.
Sidhi Baat (The Interview):

Name: Srikar Velichety
Batch: IPG2004-Mtech
Location: Pune
Organization: Amdocs
Q.1. Your Intro ? (the first question for every IIITMite in so called intro :))
I was probably the only one so far who never had any nickname. I presently work for Amdocs in their development center at Pune.
Q. 2. Define IIITM in your word?
Its a place where you can do anything and everything. The kind of freedom you get at this place, I bet you will never find any where else in the world. And you have the most important resource at your disposal for all endeavors i.e., time.
Q. 3.The most memorable moment @ IIITM ?
The whole journey of 5 years was memorable. I will cherish this period for the rest of my life.
Q. 4.Technology and Management in your words, how it become more special when it comes for IIITM ?
Frankly speaking, I am still confused on how technology and management are related :) How ever I have had a bumpy ride (in fact a 5 year long one) while trying to relate both of them . And in the end, I could come up with some substantial conclusions. A strong exposure to technology with a flair of management brings in the best in an individual.
Q. 5.Your experience and strategy @ your work place: how did you develop your skills from null to pointer, please give us a biographical detail .
I am still at the beginning of my professional life and hence its too immature to comment on this issue at this point of time. However I can surely say that the environment at IIITM had made me more inquisitive,agile and independent. Today, as I carry forward these qualities into the professional world, I find myself comfortable at the workplace.
Q. 6. A message to your all juniors, (something you aspired most @ IIITM and want the same in your juniors) …
I have always believed in the saying "A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity where as and optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty". Whether it is a difficulty or an opportunity get the best out of it. Never get disheartened with something bad that you find.And most importantly make full and propitious use of your time. This is the resource you will miss badly once you pass out of the institute.
Q. 7. IIITM on lighter note: eg: IIITM is getting more greener with times, what do you think ???
The past one year had seen a lot of improvement on all fronts. The institute had improved the resources both on the physical and intellectual front. And resources continue to pour in into the institute. Its left to the students to make the full use of these.
Note: To send your interview you can fill any of the following forms:
- Direct Interview :
- Indirect Interview: One to one email- Interaction:
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