My five years at IIITM, it felt like a lifetime, and passed too quickly.
I was one of the few residents who stayed at the hostel even during holidays and breaks. And wherever I went; a holiday, an internship, a field study; no matter how hard things were, I was always with the insurance that no matter what, I always have IIITM to go back to. It was a haven, a sanctuary.
It was frightening how events began to break loose at an alarming rate when those final days approached: exams, projects, cases, presentation, farewells, placements, celebrations, and the biggest of them all, the thesis! All of us running hither and thither, giving a last touch to everything.
Dear reader, may you never feel what I once felt during those last days of parting at the end of my five year integrated post gruaduate course. It was the culmination of a lifetime of fun, friendship and learning. And to realise that it was to end so soon, I wanted nothing more then to leave the place, not take a second glance back, and never to think of it again; not because I was happy to go away, but because, to have a glance back would have broken my spirit and dissolved me into tears.
I miss the security, the fun, the friends and the learnings, all of which I had taken them for granted to be a part of my life, and I well know how it feels to have suddenly taken those away and see them deserting me. Till this day, I remember what it felt like to be a IIITMian. I remember.
The writer is an alumni of IIITM, and a student at IIMB
“We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.”
:Jeremy Irons quotes (British Actor, b.1948)
For a IIITMite this time machine traverses bidirectional.
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