Friday, June 19, 2009

Name of the Universities having MoU with IIITM Gwalior

Hello Guys!
It is to bring in notice to you all that IIITM Gwalior is having MoU(Memorandum of Understanding) with top World Class Universities.
Student can directly get any project or offline work from faculties of this institute.
You need to just explore the opportunities.
Most of you don't know what are the articles of MoU says !
Here are the name of the universities with which IIITM G is currently having MoUs,
1. North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
2. Nagaoka University of Technology,Niigata 940-2188, JAPAN
3. Ecole Centrale Paris(ECP) Paris, France
4. SAMOVAR(S ervice repartis, Architectures, delisation,Validation, Administration des Reseaux), Paris
5. Georgia State University, Robinson College of business , Atlanta, USA.

Thanks and Regards.


PV said...

Hey, this is informative. I have a question, if the MoU signed by institute are applicable on Alumni also. I am currently in Atlanta and see that some of the Atlanta universties have MoU with our instiute. I would love to take the benefir of that. Can someone please confirm on this?

With best regards,

Unknown said...

We will find if there is any such possibilities.
For that we have to talk to concerning authorities at IIITM.
We will keep you updating till then .

Unknown said...

MoU are applicable for Alumni also.
You can be the institute ambassador @ Atlanta.
For detail please mail to us , or you can mail directly to IIITM Diro, @