Saturday, January 17, 2009

IIITM G :HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: 13.1 Academic Assessment : Grading System

The letter grades that can be awarded and their equivalent grade points are listed below:

Grade Grade Points Description of Performance

A 10 Outstanding

A (-) 9 Excellent

B 8 Very Good

B(-) 7 Good

C 6 Average

C (-) 5 Below Average

D 2 Marginal

E 0 Poor

F - Very Poor

I - Incomplete

NP - Audit Pass

NF - Audit Fail

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated as follows:

å (Number of Credit x Point Grade)


å Number of Credits

For the purpose of calculation of GPA for CGPA, only those courses (including minors and majors projects) will be taken into account in which the student has been awarded one of A, B, C, D, E or F grade.

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