Friday, January 16, 2009



In order to train outstanding leaders, the faculty employs a mix of learning tools. The primary focus is to inculcate into students a "Positive bust through the walls" attitude to accomplish assignments on time and with quality. The teaching methodology is aimed at developing willingness and ability to work long hours including week ends ,if necessary, and to show initiative by volunteering for heavy loads and tough jobs.

14.1 Pedagogy

We, at IIITM Gwalior, lay a great emphasis on pedagogic approaches, formal and non-class room, because of the following fundamental beliefs:

• Any learning experience must result in the value addition in the capabilities of the individual for actual practice.
• Professional life cannot be devoid of values and social responsiveness.
• The seeker of knowledge must own up the process of education and must accept the responsibility for professional growth & development

14.2 Class room learning

Classroom Learning is meant primarily for the conceptual inputs. It comprises lectures, displays, discussions, and problem solving under direct guidance of faculty.

14.3 Group & Self Learning

Group and Self Learning is an effective vehicle towards preparing prospective managers to be proactive in seeking and acquiring knowledge rather than having it imparted in the classroom. It is based on the assumption that the peer group learning is very effective. Free exchange of ideas among the members of each group through discussions and presentations not only leverages on time and effort but also enhances teaching and communication skills besides imbibing the virtue of self-study. Use of various self learning aids and resources like Internet and Electronic library are encouraged.

14.4 Case Methods

Case Methods fuse analysis with action and are aimed at enhancing decision-making capabilities under simulated real life conditions in the industry. Cases drawn from live management situations develop a broad understanding of the business world, its environment and the competitive situation.

14.5 Live projects with industry, guest lectures & seminars.

Industries are invited to interact with the students once in a fortnight. During this interaction industries make presentation about their products, services, technology use, manpower profile , future scenario and projects. Visits to industries are also arranged for students to get an exposure of the real industrial environment.

14.6 Panel discussions with eminent industry personalities.

Eminent practicing managers, decision makers and public figures are invited to the campus to speak to the ‘prospective managers’ on broader industrial, business, strategic, social and planning issues which helps students to gain first hand information into issues of implementation, administration and other practical concerns.

14.7 Others

Other learning tools such as role plays , business simulations and management games are also used extensively. All in all, the academic delivery of curriculum and learning process at IIITM selectively emphasize group learning, understanding of functional issues, inter-functional coordination, strategic compulsions, and means of achieving competitive advantage.

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