Tuesday, April 19, 2011


No one can expect to go through life without some emotional tension. However, the well-adjusted person learns to face his problems objectively, develops a tolerance of the unpleasant emotions, and learns that he can justifiably be angry, frightened, envious, or jealous at times without feeling guilty or inadequate.

When a person can experience emotionally charged impulses without anxiety and guilt because he has achieved a proper balance between expression and control, he is then emotionally healthy. He finds it possible to accept his emotional impulses as natural, and to handle their expression in ways that are socially acceptable.

Emotional catharsis contributes to good adjustment both directly and indirectly. The direct effects of catharsis come from releasing the pent-up emotions and allowing physical and mental homeostasis to be restored. When the person is in a state of equilibrium, owing to the restoration of homeostasis, he can then see himself and his problems more realistically.

Indirectly, emotional catharsis affects the personality by enabling the person to behave in a manner that will win favorable reactions from members of the social group. To a large degree, it frees him of the nervousness and jitteriness which create the impression that he is immature. It goes far toward wiping out any tendency he may have to view himself and his relationships with other people in a distorted light, thus making him less prone to verbalize unfavorable attitudes and beliefs. And perhaps most important of all, it helps to eliminate the facial and bodily expressions of unpleasant emotions which others use as cues in judging him.

EMOTIONAL STRESS- Emotional stress is a generalized state of heightened emotionality  which eventually becomes habitual. In some people, stress may come mainly from fear, while in others, it is a result of conflicts that give rise to anger, jealousy, envy, or some other unpleasant emotion. Stress is rarely characterized by a predominance of the pleasant emotions.

Stress differs from mood in that a mood is a temporary state of heightened emotionally which normally subsides after a relatively short time. unless the preparation for action that accompanies a mood is expressed, however, a mood may persist and develop into stress.

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