Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Importance of Water

Ever since the united nations conference held on water in 1977 At mar del plata (Argentina) water clock has been ticking alarmingly. Problems of access to quality water in sufficient quantity , there is the risk of water shortage and nastiness of its resources getting trickier. The mar del plata seminar pointed the basic facts and made water as the main concern on the international political agenda.

                             One and half billion people across the world not getting the props water two billion lack clean water, In 20 years time these number will be increase. Agricultural and industrial pollution is demanding the quality of fresh water.

                             The biggest risk is in front of universe is the purification of clean drinking water and the sanitation problem, privatization of water is being aggressively exported to the developing country under the rubric of poverty reduction, debt relief, free trade and economic development. It is a depressing thought but a fact that organized capitalism and organized crimes aggressively devastating. The process of globalization with predatory instincts. These twin forces are insatiably gulping the basic resources of humanity. The multinational corporations are tightening their monopoly on food, forests, water and other gifts to man. God given mountain springs are no longer free. one has to pay levy to use Enron, Monsanto Bechtel and other intercontinental companies for drinking water.

                              The world bank (WB) identified as the clamorous instrument of multinational imposing privatization of water on poor and weak debtor nations in 2009 it sanctioned loans to 24 countries binding the contracting government to privatize the water supply critics say WB is financing private water, other international organization such as the world water commission who are expected to function disinterestedly of water through their reports.

                              Indian government also slants towards privatization of water supply. The tenth five-year plan draft clearly states that time has come for take proper steps to support private investment in water project as the government has no resources for promoting water schemes. According to Indian government getting proper water is the main right but under foreign pressure the government with its drawing from its earlier position.

Water conservation

The most important step in the direction of finding solutions to issues of water and environmental conservation is to change people's attitudes and habits¾this includes each one of us. Conserve water because it is the right thing to do. We can follow some of the simple things that have been listed below and contribute to water conservation.
  • Try to do one thing each day that will result in saving water. Don't worry if the savings are minimal¾every drop counts! You can make a difference.
  • Remember to use only the amount you actually need.
  • Form a group of water-conscious people and encourage your friends and neighbors to be part of this group. Promote water conservation in community newsletters and on bulletin boards. Encourage your friends, neighbors and co-workers to also contribute.
  • Encourage your family to keep looking for new ways to conserve water in and around your home.
  • Make sure that your home is leak-free. Many homes have leaking pipes that go unnoticed.
  • Do not leave the tap running while you are brushing your teeth or soaping your face.
  • See that there are no leaks in the toilet tank. You can check this by adding colour to the tank. If there is a leak, colour will appear in the toilet bowl within 30 minutes. (Flush as soon as the test is done, since food colouring may stain the tank.)
  • Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. Put a brick or any other device that occupies space to cut down on the amount of water needed for each flush.
  • When washing the car, use water from a bucket and not a hosepipe.
  • Do not throw away water that has been used for washing vegetables, rice or dals¾use it to water plants or to clean the floors, etc
  • You can store water in a variety of ways. A simple method is to place a drum on a raised platform directly under the rainwater collection source. You can also collect water in a bucket during the rainy season.

"Water, like air, is a necessity of human life. It is also, according to Fortune magazine, 'One of the world's great business opportunities. It promises to be to the 21st century what oil was to the 20th.' In the past ten years, three giant global corporations have quietly assumed control over the water supplied to almost 300 million people in every continent of the world."  

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