Friday, April 15, 2011

effects of self-acceptance

The more a person accepts himself, the better his self and social adjustments. The person who makes good personal adjustments will be happy and successful. The one who makes good social adjustments will be popular, will enjoy social contacts, and will have a full and rich life. The importance of self acceptance in adolescence has been stressed by jersild: " The adolescent who realistically accepts himself has a treasure. Within his own world, the one with meager talents who forthrightly appreciates what he has is richer than ones who is bountifully endowed but deplores himself". This is true at other ages as well.

Studies reveal what a broad influence self acceptance has in the person's life. For convenience, we shall group the effect of self acceptance into two major categories the effects on self-adjustment and the effects on social adjustments and examine some of those which are most important.

EFFECTS ON SELF-ADJUSTMENTS - The self acceptant person does not think of himself as a paragon of perfection. Instead, he is able to recognize his good feature as well as his faults. One characteristic of the person who is well adjusted is that he usually recognizes his good features before his faults. As on person explained: " We all have to live with ourselves twenty-four hours a day and therefore we should think much of ourselves, at least enough to give confidence to our ego to improve ourselves".

As a result of "thinking much" of himself, the person who is self-acceptant has self-confidence and self-esteem. He is more willing to accept criticism than the less self-acceptant person, who avoids facing the fact that he is any way imperfect, as criticism implies. While the self-acceptant person may not like criticism, he accepts it and profits from it. He even makes critical self-appraisals which help him to recognize and correct his weaknesses.

Self-acceptance is accompanied by personal security. This encourages the person to believe that he can handle life's problems and that he is accepted by significant people in his life. It also encourages him to rely on his own principles and values to guide his actions rather than on the conventions and standards of others.

The self-accepting person evaluates himself realistically, and so he can use his capacities effectively, whether they are great or small. He keeps his levels of aspiration within the bounds of potentyial achievement. He accepts or even demands his proper share of the good things of life and does not deserve them.

Among the outstanding characteristics of self accepting adolescents are spontaneity and responsibility for self. They accept the qualities of their humanity without condemning themselves for conditions beyond their control. They do not see themselves as persons who should be above anger or fear or devoid of conflicting desires, free of human fallibility. They feel they have a right to have ideas, aspirations, and wishes of their own. They do not begrudge themselves the satisfactions of being alive.

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