Thursday, April 7, 2011


                             ABV-IIITM GWALIOR M.P.(7-April-2011)

                        If the person realizes that his behavior falls short of group expectation and personal standards, he will have  feelings of guilt and his reaction to these feelings will affect his self-concept. Before the age of 5 or 6 years, the child has few if any feeling of guilt, although he may become frightened when caught in wrong act and try rationalize his behavior or project the blame on someone else. The older child however, is deeply concerned about social disapproval when his behavior falls short of expectations. In self-protection, he tries to find a scapegoat to blame for his misbehavior. Rather than feeling guilt, he feels shame when caught in a act which he knows is wrong. Only after the person learns to feel personally responsible for controlling his behavior instead of relying on external pressures, such as disapproval, punishment, or threat of punishment, is he capable of experiencing true guilt.

                           Feelings of guilt may lead the person to change his attitude about the "wrongness" of certain behavior. If the person decide not to cheat when tempted to do so, he usually become more rigid in his attitude that cheating is wrong. If he decides that he will cheat, he is likely to become more tolerant toward cheating. this is a method he uses, unconsciously, to reduce the feelings of guilt which would otherwise follow his cheating

                                     Occasional feelings of mild guilt are not likely o have a permanent effect on the self-concept. they may make the person ashamed of himself and more realistic about the standard he sets for his behavior, frequent feelings of guilt, however, resulting from recurring failure to live up to one's standards, are damaging to the self-concept. They make the person loose confidence in his ability to achieve what he sets out to do, even though no one but himself may know of his failure.


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