- Chemical Engineer from Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur.
- Started his professional career with J.K.Synthtics.
- He had joined an Indo Swiss Joint Venture Group as CEO.
He talked about various points about the organization culture and the points that are inked with the change process of any organization. He said that one must have the hunger to achieve success. Human resource is all about the human relationship between employees within an organization. He also discussed about the relativity by taking the example of percentage and percentile in order to compare one’s organization’s performance relative to one’s competitors. He talked about understanding the nature of change with respect to the individual point of view and organizational culture. He also threw light on the Learning anxiety & Situational Anxiety during the process of change. He discussed his view point on why do people resist to change, origins of resistance and sings of resistance. He said that Mental/emotion health, Integrity, Inner drive/energy, Intellectual capacity as the key attributes of an effective leader for change. He concluded his speech by saying that a leader manages and shapes change.
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