Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Every cultural group has its own mores or standards of approved behavior. Certain acts are “right” because they further the welfare of the members of the group, they further are “wrong” because they are detrimental to the welfare of the group. The most important mores are incorporate into laws with specific penalties for breaking them. Other persists as customs, which are as binding as laws, but without specific penalties.

The individual’s intellectual capacities affect his response to the group’s moral standards. The moral behavior of the individual, in turn, is closely related to his adjustment to life, to the judgments others make of him, and to his judgments of himself. In general, the more closely his behavior conforms to the moral standards of the group with which he is identified, the more favorable will be the effects on his personal and social adjustments.

If a child violates the mores of the group, he is excused on the ground the he is too young to understand or to know the mores. However, by the tine he reaches adolescence, he is considered capable of understanding and abiding by the mores, and if he fails to do so he will earn an unfavorable reputation among the group members, make himself vulnerable to punishment or threats of punishment, and develop feelings of guilt. Conformity to the group’s mores, on the other hand, will lead to group approval and personal satisfaction.

The person learns, from his personal experiences, that it is to his advantage to conform standards of behavior set by the group, even though he may not at all times agree with the standards.

Intelligent individuals know that right conduct is simply intelligent conduct- the conduct that gets the best results... They tend to choose the right conduct simply because they see it as the course of action that produces the best consequences. An intelligent child or adult discovers he can get what he wants in life more easily and surely by honesty than by deception.

Development of moral codes No one is born knowing what the cultural group considers right or wrong. This he must learn. Even more important, if he wishes to win group approval, he must be motivated to choose, from different potentials for action, that which will satisfy his own need and at the same time conform to group standards.

Learning what the group approves of is a long and difficult process-a process that depends on the maturation of intellectual capacities, especially the capacities for remembering, associating what one learns with previously learned facts, and weighing the merits against the demerits of the different choices.

Moral development is the process in which the child acquires the values esteemed by his community....acquires a sense of right and wrong in terms of these values, and ... learns to regulate his personal desires and compulsions so that, when a situational conflict arises, he does what he ought to do rather than what he wants to do.... Moral development is the process by which a community seeks to transfer the egocentricity of the baby into the social behavior of the mature adult.

A moral code is based on moral concepts which have been learned gradually over a long period. The fundamental concepts are broadened and reinforced by learning from teachers, from adults in authority, and from peers.

Because of his intellectual immaturity, the young child cannot understand why certain things are right and others wrong. He learns to act as he is expected to without knowing why. Gradually, with increasing mental ability, he can see common features in apparently dissimilar situations. Then he can apply what he has learned in one situation to another situation. Specific moral concepts gradually become more general, more abstract, and more extensive.

As the individual grows older and as his social contacts broaden, he learns new moral concepts and generalizes old moral concepts to apply to new situations. By adulthood, he can apply moral concepts to an increasing range of conflicting life situations. In addition, he can ascribe different degrees of rightness or wrongness to acts, judging some as less wrong and some as more wrong. By this time, the person’s moral code, based on concepts learned in childhood and adolescence, is well formed. Any change in it is likely to be merely a shift in emphasis rather than the development of new concepts. When a shift occurs, it is largely in the direction of more conventional morality. This is especially true in the areas of areas of morality that relate to sex behavior.

INFLUENCE OF INTELLIGENCE ON DEVELOPMENT OF MORAL CODES The person’s ability to develop a moral code to guide his behavior is greatly influenced by his intellectual capacities, though other factors may aid or the development. The brighter factors may son, the more able he is t understand the moral concepts he learns, to perceive the situations in which they apply, and to profit from experience. The short attention span which is characteristic of people of low intelligence is related to impulsive behavior. Poor reasoning power results in lack of foresight and planning which, if combined with impulsiveness, often leads to behavior that violates the moral standards of the group. At every age, those of high IQ tend to be more mature in their moral judgments and behavior than those of the lower intellectual levels.

Immoral behavior is by no means found only in persons of low intelligence. On the other hand, socially unapproved methods of meeting life’s problems are more common in them. Deceit, for example, offers a means of solving difficulties which a person of limited intellectual capacity is more likely to use than a person of higher intelligence. The latter can adjust to his difficulties without being deceitful, although there is no guarantee that he will have the motivation to do so. He may find if easier to cheat than to be honest. And since he is clever, he will be able to cheat without detection more than those who are less clever.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Effects of age of achievement on personality

One of the most damaging aspects of failure is not achieving success and social recognition when the person hoped and expected to do so. The dissatisfaction the person experiences intensified by the realization that others with whom he has competed many have achieved success and social recognition earlier than he.

Many people have unrealistic aspirations about when they will reach goals which they are perfectly capable of reaching—but at somewhat later time. The athlete who hopes to win an Olympics gold medal when he is 16 might more realistically set his goal for the age of 19. So long as the person realizes that reaching the goal he has set will take time and effort and that social recognition of his achievement is usually later than the achievement itself, he will not think of himself as a failure. Many people however are unrealistic about the time, effort and planning needed to win success and recognition and that is why even successful achievement coming later than the person hoped can be damaging to the self concept.

By contrast, one of the greatest sources of satisfaction is achieving success and social recognition earlier than anticipated and earlier than one’s competitors. Under such conditions the effect on the self-concept is favorable. It may be so favorable as to lead to delusions of grandeur and a superiority complex--- a situation that will, in time, counteract favorable social judgments, prove damaging to the self- concept and put the person in a position where he will try to justify his delusions.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Effects of being well dressed

Studies reveal that people who are judged by others as being among the “best dressed of their group feel considerably better about themselves” than those who are grouped as less well dressed. The best dressed are friendlier, more vivacious, and more talkative, they have a more active social life; and they are more popular and more likely to be selected as leaders. Knowing that they make a good impression on others, they are less self- conscious, less self-centered, and less anxious. Since they feel at ease, they behave in a natural, friendly way. As a result, they enjoy greater social acceptance than those whose behavior is judged less favorable.

By adolescence, boys and girls recognize the value of clothing in making a good impression. As a result, they become extremely clothes-conscious and are willing to sacrifice other pleasure to buy the kind of clothes they want. They not only want to create the impression that they are well dresses, but they also want their clothes to tell others what “type” of person they are and what group they belong to.

Effects of being poorly dressed
Being poorly or inappropriately dresses can make a person feel uncomfortable and self- conscious. His un-easiness and lack of confidence adversely affect the judgments of others as well as his level of social acceptance. Feeling inadequate and inferior, he is likely to develop a self- rejecting attitude and to be shy, to be self-effecting and uncooperative. He develops a defensive, non participatory attitude toward social activities, claiming that they bore him. He develops a strong almost fearful distaste of prominence and leadership roles and withdraws from any situation in which he might have to be in the spot light.

Worrying a bout the impression he is making on others causes the poorly dressed person to become tongue-tied. He then gives the impression of being dull or bored. This accentuates his lack of social acceptance and intensifies his desire to be inconspicuous and to withdraw from the social situation as soon as possible. Occasionally a poorly dressed person will talk in a nervous and compulsive way to distract attention from his clothes, or he will apologize for his own appearance and criticize that of others.

Only a person who is well know for achievement, his wealth, or his social position can afford to be poorly dressed if he wants to be favorably judged. Even the most eminent person, however can not count on being favorably judged is others do not know of his achievements or recognize the symbols of his position.

Being poorly dressed over a long period is likely inferiority complex. Should economic adversity or some other condition force a person to adopt a style of dress much below what he has been used to, it will lead to feelings of martyrdom in addition to feelings of inferiority? These feelings are responsible for some of the unfavorable attitudes toward self that are so prevalent among elderly people.

Fear of being unfavorably judged by others leads many adolescents and adults to use questionable devices to obtain the clothing they feel is essential to social approval. Many cases of shoplifting and petty thievery, especially among girls, have been attributed to the desire to obtain clothes, costume jewelry, and other aids to personal adornment which they or their parents can not afford. Adults seeking advancement in the business world often borrow or spend beyond their means to buy expensive clothes.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Effects of Clothing on Personality

Clothing symbolizes important characteristics of the wearer and influences the judgments others make of him. It influences the concept of self because the person tends to think of himself as other think of him. How greatly clothing will affect personality will depend on how will it symbolizes characteristics that the group regard as significant at that time. It will also depend on how well clothing meets the personal needs of wearer at the some time. When a person has a particularly strong craving for social acceptance, for example, his clothing may contribute to the poise and self-confidence he needs to make favorable impression.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Emotional Catharsis-
Most people learn to repress the over expressions of emotions that would lead to unfavorable social judgments. But as has been stressed above, the physical and mental preparation for emotional expression persists. Unless the bodily changes and mental states that accompany this preparation for action are made use of, they will play have with the person’s physical and psychological will being.
Just as pent-up body wastes are harmful, so are pent-up preparations for action that accompany the emotions. Consequently, to restore homeostasis the body and mind must be purged. This purging is known as “emotional catharsis” the freeing of the body and the mind of the preparations for action that normally accompany the arousal of an emotion.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Most people set dates for achieving thing that are important to them at that time. The preschooler sets a time for being able to ride a bicycle, for crossing the streets alone, or for being able to swim. The adult sets a time when he expects to be the foreman or manager in his work or have a specified sum of money saved.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Teacher Attitudes and Behavior

The Teacher’s influence on the young person’s personality development is second to that of the parents because the personality pattern is already partially formed when the child enters school and because the child spends less time at school and has a less intimates relationship with the teacher. However the teacher’s influence is second only to that of parents.
The influence of the teacher’s attitudes and behavior on the student’s personality pattern cones from two major sources the kind of relationship that exists between the teacher and students and the effect of the teacher on the emotional climate of the school. The emotional climate of the school.

Enterprise Integration Laboratory

The program Inauguration ceremony has been held on in ABV IIITM is 15-10-2010 in D-Block Room no. 114. Personalities who were present during the Inauguration of Enterprise Integration Laboratory. Honorable Mr. M.N. Buch, chairman, BOG, Prof. Devi Singh Director IIM Lucknow, Prof. Rajan Saxena Former Director IIM Indore, Mr. Anil Kumar Additional Secretary MHRD, Prof. S.G.Deshmukh Director IIIM Gwalior, Dr. Deleep Kumar, Registrar IIITM Gwalior, Dr. P. Acharya faculty-in-charge, Prof. Raju Ganesh Sunder, T&P.

Monday, November 1, 2010


ABV IIITM Organized three days infotsav program on 29-10-2010, first day participant students from various places presented their program in Technofest. Presentations were like Robotics, Workshop on Automobile, Science Exhibition and other interesting events.
During in program Mr. M.N. Buch Chairman of IIITM Gwalior, Mr. Majoomdar General Manager J.K. Tyre, Mr. paramjeet Singh Sahai C E O, E P A infrastructure, Mr. Jatin Chaudhary Point-10 solution and Smt. Suchi Garg Manager of Pvt. Limited Project were present there.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Effects of physical defects on personaslity

Physical defects affect personality directly by placing limitations on what person can do and thus restricting the areas within which he can develop a positive and realistic self-concept. Indirectly, the personality is affect by the way defects influence the attitudes and treatment of significant people. In general, physical handicaps requiring the use of crutches leg braces, or wheelchairs are viewed more favorably and more sympathetically than obesity or facial deformities.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

An Attractiveness

Attractiveness has vital role in the personality of man. The strong influence of physical attractiveness on personality is not direct, but indirect, stemming from favorable attitudes of other people toward those who are attractive. And since attractive people are attractive in varying degrees, the attitude and treatment of other vary. The differences in personality.
An attractive- looking person of any age is more appealing than one who is unattractive. It is very rewarding. A person who is attractive is more sought after for dates than the person who is homely.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Interview: An overview-cum-guide

An interview is an interactive process which facilitates a selection committee to evaluate interpersonal attributes and communication skills of an individual and assess his understanding of wide variety of personal, social, technological issues around a person, besides his desire and ambition.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The institution provided E CELL program for twenty individuals with motive of fostering and spreading the spirit of entrepreneurship among the youth of nation to arrange a basic platform to those mind-masters who have the command to govern an organization with brilliant ideas.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Manager of The Month

Introduction- the program was related to managing department. How can manage provide an opportunity of learning students? The program motivated for budding manager so they can get an appropriate approach of management in Industry Interface, enhancement or spirit of local leader and appreciate their work.

The certificate of appreciate for program was given by IIITM for performance excellence in management to selected manger and declared them, the Manager of the Month. The program manager of a mouser was very helpful it’s all students of management. The programmer taught new skill to seem. The managerial tricks. All the students were happy to know all these things.

ABV-IIITM Gwalior :Hindi Pakhwada

We all are Indian and our National language is Hindi language, we should pay regard for our Hindi language. A few days back IIITM conducted a program in the favor of the language, named Hindi Pakhwada. The program was started on 14th Sept. 2010 and was continued sennight. On 14th Sept. 2010 institution inaugurated Pakhwade ceremony in the presence of Dr. Divakar Vidyalankar and shri Pawan Karan. Director Sahieb, Registrar Sahieb and shri Naval Bajpai IIITM were also present in Hindi Pakhwade program.

Monday, October 11, 2010

2nd HR Summit '2010' : Mr. Gyan Prakash Mishra Chief Manager, SRF Limited

  • LLB from Meerut University, MBA in Industrial Relations
  • Worked in Kanoria Chemicals, Dalmia Cements
  • Presently worked in SRF as Chief Manager

2nd HR Summit '2010':Mr. Aivnash Mishra: General Manager, Human Resource, Godrej

  • Post Graduation in Personal Management & Industrial Relation apart from Master in Economics and LLB.
  • Brings with him an enriching 21 years of experience in different Industries.
  • In 2010, he has been awarded by the chairman of Godrej Group Mr. Adi Godrej on “commendation for Affirmative Action” to fulfill Company Social Responsibility.


They discussed on the effectiveness of human resource as a key for success. It requires highly competitive workforce. They discussed the on the traditional method of appraisals and performance based incentives from company’s and individual prospective. They carried out a study on incentives schemes to have the view of how the preferences for the incentives change with age group. The financial & non financial incentives at different age group. Between male and female, and the recognition factors that are important for any organization to female, and the recognition factors that are important for any organization to know.

Contributed by: Subhash Sharma & Akul Yadav (IPG-MBA 5th year)

2nd HR Summit '2010':Mr. Sanjay Jain Vice President, Corporate Human Resource, Abhijeet group


He started his speech by saying that salaries formed a major chunk only in consultancy firms, in manufacturing its 5%, in services/IT/ITES its 10%.
It was not the human capital alone, but the right kind of human capital that play a key role in profitability. Organization and individuals, both must match in all respects. He told that organization’s structure was also important, along with profiles, assignments.


put forth their viewing and considering human capital as a value producing asset instead of a cost to be minimized, reduced or reined in, Building a powerful human capital strategy requires solid facts, measures, & process for discerning discussed the Human Capital strategy. The next discussion was on the employee centered career planning and organizational centered career management. They displayed the study of career planning trends and factors that play role in planning.

2nd HR Summit '2010':Mr. Pramod Kumar Joshi Member Advisory Board, All e Technologies

  • B. Tech from IT-Bhu & M. Tech from IIT-Kanpur & PGDBM from IIM, Bangalore.
  • More than 20 year of work experience in IT industry at US, Mexico and India.
  • Advisor to All e Technologies in Noida.
  • Director of Winning Mantra.

2nd HR Summit '2010': Mr. Manmohan Bhutani Vice President, Human Resource, Fiserv

  • Mechanical Engineer from BITS, Pilani and a Post Graduate from IIM, Lucknow.
  • Has overall 25 years of experience in managing IT & Software Business in different roles and positions.
  • Overall responsible for People & Operations which include Human Resources. Talent Acquisition, Training, Facilities & administration and IT Infrastructure function for the IT & BPO Division of Fiserv Global Services.


This session was all about the innovative practices made by the different companies to update their recruitment process because there is no benchmark available with organizations to know if they are doing good job for recruitment of the potential candidates. They told us that in today’s environment it is the most a light on the comparison between the traditional and e-recruitment methods. The e-recruitment methods are cost efficient, time saving, provide clarity about job & decrease the lead time. They further explained the internet and blog that are used now days as new tools for recruitment. The cost analysis report on the summer internship done by them at Reliance Life Insurance shows that the method that includes least cost is incurred in the e-recruitment methods. There is high pressure on the numbers to be recruited so there are other critical variables still not a part of review focus. At last traditional methods should not be replaced by e-recruitment methods; rather they should be used to supplement the traditional methods.

Mr. Jagannath Khuntia: General Manager, Human Resource, India Glycols Limite

Thursday, October 7, 2010

2nd HR Summit '2010' :Mr. Sachin Sharma: Head, Human Resource, Talent Management, HCL Technologies

  • Management Graduate in HR & Int Mkt from IMT, Ghaziabad.
  • Has 10+ year of experience in the domain of software consulting, professional services and corporate recruitment.
  • Worked with leading Banking Software Company in India as Software Trainee/Sr.Executive 200-04.
  • Worked as a Management trainee & corporate recruitment for FCS Software solutions Ltd 04-05.
  • Sr. manager Sales & Business Development for USS Inc & Infopro India Pvt.

2nd HR summit 2010':Mr. Deepak Menaria: Vice President, Human Resource, Global Logic

  • Has done MBA in Finance from Nagpur University
  • He is an entrepreneur with strong professional HR experience.
  • He has keen interest in Human Psychology and believes in applying Human understanding in HR practices.
  • He is founder director of Lambent Technologies
  • Among top 3 finalists for Young HR professionals at India-pacific HR congress at Mumbai in 2008.


The team gave a presentation on Innovative Human Resource practices and what are the reasons that are responsible for paradigm shift from traditional HR practices to strategic HR practices. They also discussed about the limitations in Traditional HRM Practices:

  • Wage and salary only loosely tied to performance
  • Narrowly screening for non managerial jobs Tight supervision
  • Little training
  • Layoffs in slack times
  • Detailed workplace rules and procedures Broad management discretion
  • Job controlled unionism
  • Seniority rules no job security
  • No job security

2nd HR Summit '2010': Mr. S.Majumadar: General Manager, Human Resource, JK Tyres

  • Honours graduate with physics from Calcutta University and are a post graduate Diploma Holder in Computer science, from Indian Statistical Institute
  • Master Degree in Economics and Post graduation in Personnel Management and Industrial Relation from Ravishankar University
  • Bachelor of Law Education with Psychology
  • Multi Dimensional experience of 25 years working with Tata’s, Birla’s, Lohia’s and currently working with Singhania’s.

2nd HR Summit '2010' : SUCCESSION PLANNING

It was the presentation on SUCCESSION plan. The Core Principal Underlying Succession Planning
  • Leaders really do matter
  • Performance is what counts
  • Today’s top performing leaders aren’t necessarily tomorrow’s
  • Board set of experience & assignments is the best classroom
  • It’s incumbent upon today’s “top-100” to leave a legacy of future talent
  • Invest in the best

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2nd HR Summit '2010':Mr. Sanjay Jain: Vice President, Corporate Human Resource, Abhijeet Group

  • Chemical Engineer from Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur.
  • Started his professional career with J.K.Synthtics.
  • He had joined an Indo Swiss Joint Venture Group as CEO.

2nd HR Summit '2010':Mrs. Kumkum Nongrum: Vice President, Human Resource, Royal Bank of Scotland

  • Post Graduate from “Tata Institute of Sciences”, Mumbai.
  • Has 23 years of core HR experience in all aspects of HR Strategy, People sourcing, Development and Compensation.
  • Is currently heading the Leadership and Learning initiatives for Royal Bank of Scotland in India.
  • Is actively associates herself with students of various Management Institutes.

2nd HR Summit '2010' : Mr.k.k.Muthu: President, Corporate Communication Services & Ex Vice president Human Resource, Hero Honda

  • He is a Mechanical Engineering honors graduate from Bombay University, which he obtained after B.Sc. (UK) and LME from Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute, Mumbai.
  • His experience is in three modules: teaching at IIT Delhi (10 years), industry (24 years), and consulting (10 years).
  • He has worked with organizations such as GE Motors, Whirlpool India, Goodyear India, Hero Honda Motors.

He told that management will grow from at to science. He emphasized on the factor of the use of quality circle to deal with the problems in daily work areas. Quality circle is the only chain that bounds a large number of employees at operations department.

2nd HR Summit '2010': The application of leadership theories in the Indian corporate culture: a comparison between northern and southern India

They delivered a presentation in which they focused on the study they carried out in different companies in northern and southern India.
  • To study the application of leadership theories in northern and southern corporate world.
  • To identify the influence of motivation on the employee by virtue of the theories in context.
  • To identify the factors affecting the performance of the employees.
  • To identify the extent of synchronization between the organization’s employees and the leaders representing the organization.


  • Chemical Engineer
  • Has an experience of 27 years in the field of fiber technology.
  • Is currently working in SRF Limited, Gwalior as plant head.
  • Has worked for 13 years with an overseas company manufacturing Nylon-6 tire cord.
  • Has visited various overseas plants in Japan, Switzerland, Thailand, China and USA.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


  • Diploma & Degree in Textile Technology from VJIT, Mumbai and Post Graduation in marketing from Mumbai University.
  • Started his career with Onida and later moved for a global exposure.
  • Associated with various B-Schools such as Symbiosis, Welingkers and ITM.
  • Trustee of famous Sun Temple at Gwalior which is owned by Birlas.

Monday, October 4, 2010

2nd HR SUMMIT ‘2010’ : Directing Excellence-the HR way

24th-25th September,

The program of HR summit has been held on in the institution on dated 24th-25th September.

The 2nd Human Resource Summit was held at Atal Bihari Vajpayee- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior. The theme of this summit was “Directing Excellence-The HR Way”. There were number of speakers from industries Human Resource management department who gave their views ideas new knowledge perspectives and insights for the same. The main theme was covered under many sub-themes like “leadership for change”. “succession planning”, “innovative HR practices”, “innovations in recruitment”, “profitability through HR Practices ” and final “HR contribution towards competitiveness “.

Friday, September 24, 2010

SCHEDULE FOR 2nd HR SUMMIT (24th Sept – 25th Sept)

SCHEDULE - DAY 1 (24th Sept) :

11:00 AM – 11.15 AM
Welcome of guest,
Lighting Of Lamp
 Director/Chief Guest Mr Sanjay Prakash  Bindal, Plant Head, SRF LTD.

Inaugural speech & Welcome note
Director –ABV IIITM Gwalior
Key Note Speech
Key Note Speaker – Vinay Karulkar, CEO, Aditya Birla Gwalior
Chief Guest Speech
 Mr Sanjay Prakash  Bindal, Plant Head, SRF LTD.
Introduction To College
Registrar ABV-IIITM Gwalior
12.10 PM-12.35 PM
Releasing Of Documentry
Mr.Rajesh Sahu , Mr. Yashwant Gill & Mr.Arun Singh

Mr. Rolland Lardinois visits E-CELL

Roland Lardinois is a sociologist, Research Fellow (HDR) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), member of the Centre d’Etudes de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud (UMR 8564) at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Since November 2009 he has joined the Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

They say,"We are The Next Innovation of Change!"

They say,"We are The Next Innovation of Change! We are Redonic".
Explaining the lexicographical meaning of the Hybrid word Redonic, the team Redonic say, "Redonic= Redo+NIC(the initials of Next, Innovation and Change), so we are proud to be part of dream Redonic."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Achievements Update:( 2009-2010)

Achievements by student

Students of IIITM making progress and have good place in various type of courses and competitions.


IBM in collaboration with its business partners organizes "THE Great Mind Challenge"(TGMC-09) a pioneering contest under the company's academic innitiative programs that provide students programmers with a unique opportunity to develop innovative solutions using open standard based ITtools under grueling real time situation. The Great mind challenge 2009 cons tangeted to participants to provide a hands on experience on IBM software products namely Trivoli information management,Lotus Rational and web sphere and Eclipse which is open source on a Linux platform mentora form 10m a long with the students enabling them throughout the programme

Inauguration of center of excellence for IBM

The institute entered in an MOU with IBM for starting the software center of excellence with IBM on 27 July 2010. This C.O.E. would basically impart training on the following DB2.RAID,RFT TIVOLI and other IBM technology to the students of ABV IIITM free of cost. Even the certification cost would be borne by IBM. This would help to develop students who are industry ready with international certificate. IBM has also in this MOU given access software and books worth 41 LAKHS INR.

FITS(facility information technology skills training programme)

FITS the training programme for department of rural development and panchayat government of madhya pardesh was started on 26th of july 2010 for data management and data entry operators .in the first batch a total of 35 data manager and 57 data entry operators. The training programme is under the narega (national rural employment guarantee council). A highly ambitious programme of the government of madhya pardesh, for imparting information technology skills to more than 2000 employees .presently five batches have undergone the training at ABV IIITM gwalior totaling to 400 nos. the duration of each batches is of 7 days.

La-Tex the language of scientific writing

Sept 4 , 2010
Sept 5 , 2010

ABV-IIITM organized two days training program on La-Tex.The language of Scirntific writing.
participants candidates provided accomodation facility in the institute for self only.The programme kit consists of course material,writing aids and meal during the program.

Workshop on SOA and Service Oriented Computing

About Workshop 
The workshop has been funded by Department of Information Technology(DIT) Govt Of India has been very much in the news ever since the concept of cloud computing is surfaced.The entire web is now viewed as a virtualized platform capable of providing variety of application as service on pay-per use basis.This involves the study of different ways to share resources,economic models,pricing,mechanism,security.This event is unique of its own kind from the industry view point, sessions planned for this workshop are carefully designed so that the concept benefits and the technology related to SOA can be well understood and will help to prepare technical manpower.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Orientation Programme 2010 at IIITM

It is said, “Life is a change and success is a challenge”. IIITM presents a ceremonious event to actualize this adage into the lives of new IIITMites.

Past years, it used to be a full day event, this year it turned into a whole week induction program. Freshers get guidance cum orientation from seniors and faculty to begin their first odd semester at institute.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Swaroop Khan @ IIITM, long before getting the Idol fame

It is not a story to publish. It is not an attempt to get noticed from a rising star of Indian music Industry. But it's a sincere approach to contribute into the repository of future folk icon. Institute like IIITM Gwalior which always nurtures the future face of the country, provides a reason to shine. Eminent personalities above their eminence, celebrities beyond their celebration, always feel the gratitude on being honored by the institute.

previously unnoticed, now rare pic of  Swaroop Khan

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Outlook ranking parameter wise breakdown

After getting a reasonably good rank, many of us are still regretting for IIITM Gwalior not making it into the elite 10. Now since we are in top 25, getting into the league of elite 10 is the next challenge for which we have to travel a long journey, which would take a few more years. Looking at the pace we are moving at  now, being amongst the top 10 engineering institutions is not a day dream.

IIITM Gwalior
ranked       3rd  in Top 10 Engineering Colleges with Doctorates in Faculty  

ranked       23rd (140.7)  in  Selection Process

ranked       20th (148.0)  in  Academic Excellence

ranked       20th (117.0)  in  Personality Development and Individual Interface

ranked       31st (119.9)  in  Infrastructure

ranked       26th (113.5 ) in  Placements

ranked       25th (639.1)  in  Overall score

Monday, June 21, 2010

IIITM Gwalior stands among Top 25 Engineering Colleges in India

                                                                                  Source: Outlook
IIITM Gwalior broke the myth and participated in college rankings, much hyped by private players, got itself within top 25.

Initially the institute was apprehensive about the said process of the magazines and never participated in any survey. This year it was the first time when the institute participated in Outlook-MDRA rankings 2010 and got a good position. IIITM Gwalior is one of the two IIITs that managed to stand among most coveted 25 list.

Though institute like IIITM Gwalior which is the institute of the national importance and a brain child of MHRD, GoI does not need any ranking for it's research cum academic activities.

This is the second biggest achievement of the week. After becoming the first IIITs to achieve ISO-9001 certification, IIITM Gwalior entered into the elite league of institutions.

This year, brought many positives for the institute, some are: getting many companies in dream slots, tie-up with leading academic and industry institutions.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Inauguration of E-Cell

Institute has inaugurated entrepreneurship cell (e-cell) on 17th April 2010. The entrepreneurship cell of Indian institute of information technology & management, Gwalior is a initiative to empower the youth of the doorway to all those mind masters who imagine to conquer every odd to synthesize a new path for their success. Mr. Vaibhav Shrama (student) coordinated this event. The following eminent persons from have motivated our students on this occasion.
Mr. Ankit Agrawal.
Mr. Anil Somani, Chairman Post IIMA-New Delhi.
Mr. Rahul Arora, Country Head Acara institute.
Mr. Ashish Thakral IIITM Alumni and Co-founder Advent services.

MDP on advance supply chain management organized by the institute from 21-22 April 2010 Dr. Gyanprakash was coordinator of this MDP Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Manager, Deloitte consulting, South Africa was the key speaker. This workshop was attended than 20 participants.